Produced by SHHH, this hair turban is created in collaboration with Asano Nenshi – a prominent yarn spinning expert in Gifu, Japan. “Perfec10” is their latest innovation using their patented “Super Zero” cotton threads that trap plenty of air without unravelling, and was crafted in partnership with Imabari’s prestigious Masaoka Towel, which was founded in 1921.
Crafted with high class, long staple organic cotton that was grown without pesticides or chemical fertilisers for at least 3 years, fair trade and hand- picked in India. The long and thin cotton fibres make the hair turban durable and delightfully soft.
SHHH’s core philosophy is hair wellness. We are on a mission to make your hair and scalp look and feel better with functional, clean, biotech enabled formulations. Join us on a journey of hair wellbeing – bring beauty and life back to your tresses!