
使用 OMG 系列中最多的植物提取物和精油,以及 OMG 標誌性的摩洛哥堅果植物幹細胞、膠原蛋白和透明質酸的煥發活力混合物,讓您的頭髮輕盈、有彈性和纖細。
SHHH OMG love how my hair feels after washing. I have coarse thick hair no shampoo I tried give me this soft and smooth feeling As for the treatment I can't say I have no more grey but did notice not as much grey showing up. I think continuous usage may show results.


Happy Customer

Amazing place with relaxing environment and advanced technology products - Marvin genuinely cares for your hair and she is definitely a pro! LOVE the experience!


Happy Customer

The SHHH Spa is an amazing place with relaxing environment and advanced technology products - Marvin genuinely cares for your hair and she is definitely a pro! LOVE the experience!


Happy Customer

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